Thursday, July 29, 2010

Media Release: Look after our aged care workers!

“Aged care workers must be the most undervalued in Australia if pay rates and lack of adequate government regulation of providers are any indication,” said Greens candidate for Shortland, Phillipa Parsons.“Shortland has an older than average population and the Federal government must ensure that those caring for our aging citizens are adequately cared for in return. Poor rates of pay compared with other sectors of the health industry may equate to a lack of quality, caring staff to adequately care for our aging population,” she said.“Lee Rhiannon has worked tirelessly in the NSW Upper House for the people of NSW and will continue to represent NSW aged care workers in the Australian senate by working towards delivering better recognition of the valuable work they do and to improving wages,” said Ms Parsons.“The Australian government spends millions of taxpayers’ money subsidising aged care providers yet aged care nurses consistently earn much less than nurses in hospitals and most other healthcare settings. The Greens will work to redress this imbalance,” she said.

“Some multi-national companies operating aged care facilities are attempting to shape agendas and policies to enhance their bottom line, whilst milking the Australian government and underpaying NSW aged care nurses. The federal government needs to ensure that pay rates for aged care workers are in line with the invaluable service they provide in our communities,” Ms Parsons said.