Greens hauled over the coals on coal impact motion
On Monday night I took this motion to Lake Macquarie Council. Considering the expansion of existing mines at the southern end of the lake and a proposed new mine to go in, I thought this motion would succeed. However it was beaten 10-2 (only the two Greens councillors voted for it) and I was castigated by the Mayor for bringing an issue to council that was outside our juresdiction. He argued that this was the state government's responsibility and that they and the coal mines themselves should be the ones doing this. Further, the Mayor argued that the mines already conduct air quality monitoring, to which I replied that this was like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse and that their monitoring did not require monitoring for the 2.5 micron particulates that cause all the asthma and bronchial problems! What do you think about this, is it a state government problem or as the level of government closest to the community, should council be undertaking these studies and then armed with the evidence, lobby the EPA to conduct regular extensive air quality monitoring?
1) That council call for a report and public briefing on the likely impact on council and the Lake Macquarie community arising from recently approved and currently proposed coal mines that are either within the Lake Macquarie local government area, or that will require the transportation of coal through our local government area.
2) That such report include (but not necessarily be limited to):
a) the scope and impact of any projected increase in road and rail transport of coal through the Lake Macquarie LGA, including any associated road safety and traffic management impacts, local air and noise pollution and amenity impacts, wear and tear on public roads and other public infrastructure, and any consequent financial impacts on council, and
b) the estimated contribution that the coal transported through the Lake Macquarie local government area will make to global greenhouse gas emissions over the foreseeable future, on both a per annum and total basis.