Since when is it healthy in a democracy for the church to be interfering in politics? It is fundamental to our democratic process that there be a separation of church and state. However that does not appear to be the view of the Fred Nile led Christian Democratic Party. Noreen Tibbet, the CDP candidate for Swansea is quoted in the Newcastle Herald today as wanting to get elected to make sure all legislation that is passed is in line with a biblical ethos! Isn't that like sharia law? And which bible is she talking about - not the Old Testament I hope.
It is very scary that the Liberals are preferencing these religious zealots in the Upper House. Scary religious people who want to control women's bodies and indocrinate children with their own particular version of religious dogma.
Religion is much more sinister than just 'opium for the masses'. It masquerades as social justice, human rights and equity but in reality it is about power, control and maintaining the patriarchal hegemony. The latest attack on the Greens by some Catholic bishops demonstrates that they are feeling the loosening of their grip on people. What scares them the most is that people are beginning to actually think for themselves and the conclusions they are reaching are not favouble to churches and religion.
In reality, the Greens policies are more closely aligned with the teachings of that great humanitarian, Jesus Christ. The Greens stand for social justice and equity, human rights and the rights of the individual to control their own body, the right to equitable education, transport and health care.