Monday, January 31, 2011

Why not a ferry service on Lake Macquarie?

I was interviewed on local ABC radio this morning to air my views that a ferry service on Lake Macquarie is a great idea. It is ludicrous that there is no public transport on the lake at all! Surely the state government could conduct a feasibility study rather than just dismiss it as the sitting member for Swansea did today in response. The fact is that the state government is going to have to really begin to take action on climate change and peak oil! How long can we continue to build more roads, build more cars.....? We need better, more effective and more convenient public transport to get cars off the roads and with an improved bus service from ferry wharves, think about how many people would be willing to park and ride or even cycle from home to ferry wharf and then to work from the destination point. It is merely populist rhetoric that keeps politicians (and candidates I might add!) promising to upgrade this road, or add an extra one here etc. The truth is that people would be more willing to utilise public transport on a regular basis if it was really more convenient, reliable and frequent. Tell me what you think....