Friday, June 11, 2010

Another Asylum seeker story to write in the history books of Australias dark past

Dr Niko Leka of Newcastle's No War Collective received from this from Alex, a Tamil refugee who spent many months on board the boat in Merak Harbour, Indonesia. Why is this not in the media? Contact Alex to let him know that you know>

"Sadly I have some really bad news Niko. Another boat of asylum seekers trying to seek safety had tried but it has left 7 dead.

two smaller boats had tried to take the asylum seekers to the larger boat, however the wind was too strong. Supposedly one had toppled over throwing all that were aboard into the open sea. The information I got was that 7 people had died, two of who were close friends of mine who had escaped from the boat in merak before I even left the boat.

The saddening news is the fact that this happened on the 7th and it has not been told to anybody, that means that 7 bodies have been floting in the open seas. 7 families not knowing about their deaths. 7 more asylum seekers finding death as their only source of freedom.

I am not concerned about the others as they will find freedom one way or another, hopefully without sacrificing anyone else. What worries me is that 7 deaths have gone untold. My heart gets weaker with each death, Im not sure how many more have to die for the world to understand that Tamils will risk all to seek freedom as they have no home to return to and only hope for a country to accept them."

I dont understand how Countries and continents can close doors and put upwalls declaring that this is our land we found it first, and we dont want you here....

Another Asylum seeker story to write in the history books of Australias dark past.


Niko Leka